Depression is one of the most common illnesses. Most common in women after menopause, teenage girls, men in later age.Depression can be remain for longer time or can be subsides in short period, but can recurrent with life situations. Depression can be mild, moderate, or severe. Initially it is causative but later on becomes cause less. When a person refrained himself from social activities, gets angry over little things, seems sad, frustrated even in enjoyable moments, we can assume that person is in depression. Although everyone feels sad sometimes in particular situations, but if depression lasts for long and interferes with daily life need to be get consulted to doctor.
Symptoms of mild depression includes a state of low mood and aversion to activity which can affect a person's thoughts, behaviour, feelings and sense of well-being. Persons with a depression are sad, anxious, alone, hopeless, worthless, feel guilty, becomes irritable, restless.
In severe form of depression person lost his /her interest in life start feeling alone inspite of being with their loved ones, weeps all time, suicidal thought comes in mind, suffers from sleeplessness or excessive sleep, loss of appetite, overthinking, becomes suspicious.
Exact cause of depression is not known but a combination of physical, genetic, and environmental factors are involved. Most commonly observed risk factors are Family history, hormone changes, Stressful life events like the death of a loved one, business loss, long lasting illness, history of abuse/ sexual abuse, domestic violence.
Homeopathic treatment for depression:
Homoeopathic treatment proves very effective in depression as a qualified homeopaths go through a person's constitutional type, which includes patient’s physical symptoms, emotional land intellectual behaviour. An experienced homoeopath assesses all of these factors and find out medicine of constitutional type that helps patients to get out of his/her depression. Homoeopathic treatment is effective and safe method to deal with depression.