kidney diseases refers to damage to kidney tissue which is also known as nephropathy includes nephritis, Nephrotic syndrome, acute and chronic kidney failure, hydronephrosis, kidney stones. Diabetes, hypertension, kidney stones, infections, familial history, immune deficient diseases and excess antibiotic & steroids intake are most common cause of Nephrotic syndrome and kidney failure. In most cases of Nephrotic syndrome in children cause is unknown or hereditary.
Nephritis a inflammatory condition of kidney disease. A sudden loss of kidney function, such as over a few hours or days, is called acute kidney failure (acute renal failure or ARF). While if kidney damage and decreased kidney function occurs gradually over time or lasts for long more than 3 months, it is called chronic kidney disease/failure (CKD).
- Nephritis is a inflammatory condition characterized byswelling and inflammation of the glomeruli in the kidney. Acute nephritic syndrome caused by an immune response secondary to an infection or other disease.
- Acute kidney failure is the sudden and rapid loss of kidney function. Symptoms of acute kidney failure are sudden less urine output or anuria with increase in blood electrolyte level (waste product like), oedema first in face then other parts of body. Acute kidney failure is mainly due to sudden trauma, strong medications, dehydration, septic shock. Acute kidney failure if persist for more than 3 months and ignored it can be converted to chronic kidney failure.
- Chronic kidney failure appear gradually over time when damage to renal tissue lasting more than 3 months. The most common causes of kidney failure are diabetes and hypertension
- Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by the increase secretions of protein in the urine. Nephrotic syndrome occurs glomeruli that filter waste product from blood in to urine get damaged and leads to excessive loss of protein. Signs and symptoms of Nephrotic syndrome are a low amount of albumin in the blood (hypoalbuminemia) with a high amount of protein in the urine (proteinuria), higher than normal lipid levels in the blood (hyperlipidaemia), and swelling (oedema) in the legs, feet, and ankles
- Kidney/renal stone: A kidney stone is a solid abnormal deposit of calcium, uric acid, cystine, cholesterol that forms in a kidney and causes blockage of urinary track with severe pain, sometimes infection also. Kidney stone may also detach from its origin site and passes through lower urinary track. If kidney stone is small in size, can passes through urine and but if size is large then it can block the passage and can lead to infection, bleeding, kidney failure.
Causes of kidney stone vary with taking proteins, calcium or uric acid rich food, low fluid intake, familial tendencies, urinary tract infections.A patient with kidney stones feels boring pain in lower abdomen extends to back, frequent urination or painful urination, bloody urine. In case of obstruction or travelling kidney stone pain is severe and unbearable with nausea and vomiting.
Homoeopathic approach for kidney disease
We prescribe best homoeopathic constitutional medicine for kidney stone that can break stone and passes through urine, so no surgery required. Homoeopathic medicine can also prevent recurrent stone formation. Homoeopathic medicines are also safe option for treating nephritic syndromes, kidney failure where it is risk to kidneys of using strong steroids and antibiotics. We provide homoeopathic treatment for kidney diseases after taking complete medical and personal history.