A migraine can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on just one side of the head. It's often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can cause significant pain for hours to days and can be so severe that the pain is disabling.
The attack of migraine is usually preceded by constriction (narrowing) of the cranial vessels (blood vessels supplying the brain and skull) and the headache commences with dilatation of these blood vessels. The attacks of migraine tend to be recurrent and the severity of attacks usually decreases as the patient ages.
Migraine is a vascular headache that is caused due to vasodilatation and abnormalities in the levels of certain chemicals in the brain
Genetic predisposition can cause migraine.
Triggering factors are;
Emotional triggers:
- Stress
- Tension
- Shock
- Depression
- Excitement
Physical triggers:
- tiredness
- poor quality sleep
- poor posture
- neck or shoulder tension
- jet lag
- low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia)
- strenuous exercise
Dietary triggers:
- missed, delayed or irregular meal
- dehydration
- alcohol
- caffeine products, such as tea and coffeespecific foods such as chocolate
- cirtus fruit foods containing the substance tyramine, which include cured meats, yeast extracts, pickled herrings, smoked fish such as smoked salmon and certain cheeses such as cheddar, Stilton and Camembert
Environmental triggers:
- bright lights
- flickering screens, such as a television or computer °screensmoking (or smoky rooms)
- loud noises
- changes in climate, such as changes in humidity or very cold temperatures
- strong smells
- a stuffy atmosphere
- Hormonal changes
It often begins in childhood,adolescence or early adulthood.
4 stages are there-
1. Prodrome -One or two days before migraine there may be;
- Constipation
- Depression
- Food cravings
- Hyperactivity
- Irritability
- Neck stiffness
- Uncontrolable yawning
2. Aura-It occurs before and during headache.These include;
- Visual phenomenon
- Vision loss
- Pins and needle sensation in arms or legs
- Speech or language problem
3. Attack-When untreated it usually lasts from four to 72 hours.Following symptoms;
- Pain on both side or one side of head
- Pain-pulsating or throbbing type
- Sensitivity to lights and sounds
- Nausea and vomiting
- Blurred vision
4. Postdrome-Occurs after a migraine attack.Patient may feel drained and washed out.
Types of Migraine
1) Migraine with Aura (Classic Migraine):
This type of headache is characterized by neurological phenomenon (aura) that is experienced 10 to 30 minutes before the headache begins. Auras may be experienced as visual disturbances, hallucinations or even temporary loss of vision before the headache. Some other common expressions of the aura may be in the form of giddiness, vertigo, tingling numbness in various parts of the body, weakness, difficulty in speech, etc. Auras are experienced due to the constriction of the cranial blood vessels prior to the commencement of the migraine.
2) Migraine without Aura (Common Migraine):
This is a common presentation and here the patient does not experience any aura (neurological phenomena) before the headache. Nausea and vomiting frequently accompany this kind of migraine. General fatigue and lethargy may be experienced before the headache begins
There are some other types of Migraine which are not so common:
- Basilar
- Ophthalmic
- Ophthalmoplegic
- Retinal
- Status migraine
Diagnosis of Migraine
Diagnosis is based on history given by the patient. Certain investigations are:
- CT scan-This helps to diagnose tumors,infections,brain damage etc.
- MRI-To produce detailed images of brain and blood vessels.
- EEG Spinal tap (lumbar puncture)- In this, a thin needle is inserted between two vertebrae in the lower back to extract a sample of cerebrospinal fluid for laboratory analysis.
- Magnetic resonance angiography
Role of Homoeopathy?
Homeopathic medicines for Migraine act on the body at the level of immunity and restore the deviated function. They also help to control the symptoms of Migraine without any side effects.
The Homeopathic medicines for Migraine have to be specific to every individual person.
Homoeopathy believes that migraine is a personality disorder and hence the treatment should be determined according to personality of patient.
With continued treatment patient notices the reduction in the frequency of attacks and intensity of pains.
Homoeopathic remedies?
Belladonna - This relieves headaches with the feeling of head fullness, and sensitivity to noise and light.
Bryonia - This remedy can be helpful if a person has a heavy or "splitting" headache, with steady pain that settles over one eye (especially the left) or spreads to the entire head. Pain is worse from any motion, even from moving the eyes, and the person wants to lie completely still and not be talked to or disturbed. The person can have a very dry mouth and usually is thirsty.
Gelsemium - This remedy relieves congestive headaches at the base of the head, as well as headaches around the eye, caused or aggravated by stress.
Glonoinum - This remedy relieves sudden headaches, with fullness of head and feeling of heat, and aggravated by heat and sun.
Ignatia - Headaches after emotional upsets or caused by grief. The headache is often focused on one side of the head, and may feel as if a nail is driven in. Twitching in the face or spasms in the muscles of the neck and back frequently occur. The person often sighs or yawns and may sometimes weep or seem "hysterical."
Iris versicolor - Migraines with blurry vision and pain that extends to the face and teeth, along with vomiting and a burning feeling in the throat and stomach. The person feels worse from resting and better from motion.
Natrum muriaticum - Migraines mostly on the right that are worse from grief or emotional upsets, worse from too much sun, or occur just before or after the menstrual period. The headache feels like "a thousand little hammers were knocking on the brain" and is often worse from eyestrain.The person often feels better lying in the dark and after sleeping.
Nux vomica - This remedy relieves nausea and digestive troubles associated with overindulgence in food or alcohol.
Sanguinaria - Right-sided migraines with tension in the neck and shoulder, extending to the forehead with a bursting feeling in eyes. Jarring, light, and noise aggravate discomfort. The headaches improve after vomiting, as well as from burping or passing gas, and better after sleep. Headache usually associated with digestive troubles.
Sepia - Left-sided migraines with dizziness and nausea, worse from missing meals, and worse near menstrual periods or during menopause. Pain may come in shocks or jerks, and the person feels worse indoors and from lying on the painful side.
Silicea - Migraines that come on after mental exertion or near the menstrual period may indicate a need for this remedy—especially in a nervous person who is very chilly. Headaches right-sided, starting in the back of the head and extending to the forehead. The patient feels better by covering the head.
Spigelia - Excruciating headaches on the left side of the head, with violent throbbing, or stitching pains above or through the eyeball. Pain may extend through the face and is worse from motion, touch, position changes, and jarring
The only thing is that the symptoms of the patient should be matched carefully with the right homeopathic medicine. In a lot of cases, some different medicine might be required based on the symptoms of the patient.
It is very important to study the patient in details and find out the exact cause and treat the root cause.
For individualised remedy selection and treatment, patient should consult a qualified homoeopathic doctor.
Role of supplements
Dr. Rajneesh's Homoeopathy: Facilities -True Homoeopathy consultation, Laboratory, Yoga, Physiotherapy, Needle therapy (accupuncture), skin laser treatment.